A prestigious and selective label
The Living Heritage Company label (Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant) is awarded by the regional prefects. The examination of applications is carried out by the French Agency for Crafts and Living Heritage, under the supervision of a committee of experts.
The company has to possess specific economic assets. It must own equipment, tools, or machines of rare techniques and/or industrial property rights and/or execute an active creation and innovation process.
The company claiming the label must also have rare know-how, master traditional or highly technical manufacturing techniques, and/or internally train employees, particularly apprentices in an expertise that is not accessible in the field's classic course.
In Saint James' case, the label was awarded to recognize the raccoutreuses' profession, aka mending experts, and employing workers collectively possessing excellent savoir-faire, including a creative or innovative dimension.
Finally, the company must have been established for a long time in the same geographical territory and/or have a well-known name or brand, and/or carry out a social responsibility approach.
Different sectors of activity can apply for the Living Heritage Company label, including trades such as industry, gastronomy, the arts, and the culture sector.